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  • Swallow assessments / therapy - assessment of swallow ability with the aim of improving and optimising function, ensuring appropriate oral intake, guiding recommendations for therapy and exercises, identification of techniques to aid swallowing. 

  • Nasendoscopy / FEES - insertion of a thin tube with a small camera to the back of the nose to allow a view of the throat. This allows detailed assessment of swallowing and/or voice and can identify silent aspiration (food, fluid or saliva enters the airway with no coughing). Laryngeal airway and management of saliva/secretions can also be assessed this way, which are important for tracheostomy assessment and management.  This is a short, painless procedure lasting a few minutes with immediate results. No preparation or recovery is required.  Further patient information is available here.  

  • Videofluoroscopy - assessment of swallow function is completed radiologically i.e. via moving x-ray images.  Areas of impairments can be identified allowing for accurate diagnosis and suitable management.  Further patient information can be found here.

FEES and Videofluoroscopy can identify signs or presence of reflux. 

  • Phagenyx - this relatively new treatment involves delivering a pain-free electrical stimuli to the throat area with the aim of regenerating nerve pathways required for swallowing that have become damaged. Treatment is offered, if appropriate, following assessment and FEES (see above) and involves insertion of a tube via the nose and throat. Electrical stimulation is calculated on an individual basis and delivered for ten minutes a day for three consecutive days.  Click here for further patient information or here for consent and practical information.

Swallow Matters UK is the only independent SLT service in the UK and Europe offering Phagenyx.

For more information, see

  • Tracheostomy management - we are skilled in assessing tracheostomy status, planning and managing weaning (including secretion management, cuff deflations, one-way valve placement, above-cuff vocalisation) and working towards tracheostomy removal/decannulation.

  • Expert reports - formal written reports for medico-legal purposes among others. 

Services: Services
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